Meal Prep Delivery
Freshly Made Meals Delivered Right To Your Door!
How It Works
Choose the package that best suits your needs.
Depending on your household size and how much food you would like for the upcoming week, choose either the 3&1, 4&2, or 5&3 Package. Each item in a package contains 3-4 portions.
3&1 = 3 Mains and 1 Side
4&2 = 4 Mains and 2 Sides
5&3 = 5 Mains and 3 Sides
Review the Weekly Menu and decide on your meals.
A fresh menu (with some recurring favorites) is updated below and emailed to subscribers every Wednesday. Browse over 20 options weekly to find the Mains & Sides that you’re most excited about. Be sure to include your selections when prompted by the order form during checkout!
Place your order and get ready for a tasty week!
Place your order by Saturday for delivery on Monday or Tuesday evening. Every meal is 100% scratch-made and never frozen. I use fresh, organic, seasonal, & local ingredients to craft deliciously handmade meals that are ready to eat or reheat.
Check out FAQs for answers to more commonly asked questions, or email me at
Meal Prep Delivery
Weekly Menu
Weekly Menu
Week of March 31st Menu
Check back Wednesday for my new menu!
Please place your order by Saturday, March 29th for Monday or Tuesday delivery.
*Local delivery serving Long Island & Queens*